Sunday , March 30th 2025
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Rapid Weight Loss. Home Workout;: 20 Minute Fat Burning Program; 8 Week Strenght Training At Home. For Beginners & Intermediate Women. Step by Step Guide.

Product Features:

    The book ”Rapid Weight Loss" is a set of exercises based on the use of your own body weight and dumbbells. Even If you don't have one, you can use bottles filled with water. The whole workout should not take more than 30 to 40 minutes. The plan is…
Price as on: 2020-03-11 19:45:33

Product Description

The book ”Rapid Weight Loss” is a set of exercises based on the use of your own body weight and dumbbells. Even If you don’t have one, you can use bottles filled with water.

The whole workout should not take more than 30 to 40 minutes. The plan is created in such a way that you can adapt it to your physical fitness regardless of experience.

However, as you know, training is not even half the battle. Diet also plays a big role. If we take care of these 2 elements properly, our success is guaranteed. Therefore, in the book, in addition to the full body workout plan, you will also find a journal in which you can track your training and dietary progress.

Book, offers space for 40 daily workouts, and 56 spaces for daily record Food. Perfect for 8 weeks. With this space you can count macros & calories, equipment used, reps & sets, and a number of other metrics.

For maximum effects, you will learn 3 key principles of effective body transformation.

You will also learn how to:

  1. calculate your daily caloric needs,
  2. How to set a goal and achieve it,
  3. How to track your training progress, 

If you are not satisfied, you always have the right to a refund. However, I know that sticking to the assumptions contained in the book you will certainly achieve your goal. It is worth a try!

Ps. The first effects are usually visible after 3 weeks of training

Why Is This Training Right For You!

The most important reason why women should train with weights is that strength training increases lean muscle mass. And this makes you get in shape faster. It is worth knowing that the muscles make your butt lifting and your body toned. Additionally, muscle increases the metabolic rate, which makes the fat is used for fuel. The more muscle mass you have, the more fat you burn not only during training, but also throughout the day

6 Minute Morning Flat Stomach

6 Minute Morning Flat

Simple 6 minute daily exercises for a flatter stomach. Chapters include: seated excercises, prone exercises, pelvic tilts, all about…

Price : 5.42
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