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Ready-to-Drink Chocolate Protein Drink, 15g High-Quality Whey/Milk Protein per Serving by Metabolic Research Center, 6-Pack, 8.45 oz. ea

Product Features:

    Metabolic Research Center's Ready-to-Drink Shakes combine high-quality ingredients, without all the sugar, fat, and calories, to give you the energy you need every day. Our shakes come in shelf-stable and environmentally friendly cartons with convenient straws. These delicious shakes are available in Chocolate and Vanilla flavors. Sometimes you're really…
Price as on: 2019-07-29 17:58:09

Product Description

Metabolic Research Center’s Ready-to-Drink Shakes combine high-quality ingredients, without all the sugar, fat, and calories, to give you the energy you need every day.

Our shakes come in shelf-stable and environmentally friendly cartons with convenient straws. These delicious shakes are available in Chocolate and Vanilla flavors.

Sometimes you’re really hungry, but it’s just one of those times when you’re also really, really in a hurry…

So, what do you do?

For those times, if you can ‘chill, shake and pour’, we have the answer: our ready-to-drink protein shakes. It’s great to sit down to a perfect, relaxed, well-planned home-cooked meal, but that just isn’t always possible in today’s high stress, high-paced, multi-tasking world. That’s when you grab one of our ready-to-drink packets, give it a shake, and you’re good to go.

Once your blood sugar drops (like when you get hungry), that’s when willpower goes out the window. The first potato chip that comes along gets snapped up, and away you go, into that ‘betcha-can’t-eat-(just)-one’ cycle of grabbing a high-calorie carbohydrate snack that puts your blood sugar on a roller-coaster ride of rapid swings that throw you totally out of dietary control.

Protein, however, not only stops those blood sugar swings, but also keeps them at bay for far longer than the readily available carb snacks that tend to be everywhere. In stabilizing your blood sugar, you avoid that uncontrollable urge to eat something (anything!), and you gain the willpower to ‘just say no’. With protein, the effect lasts for hours, instead of mere minutes.

Each ChocolayeReady-to-drink shake gives you 15 grams of high quality protein in a really quick shake that actually tastes good.

Hungry? On the run? No time for a meal, but still want to ‘stay with the program’? Grab a delicious Metabolic Research Center Ready-to-Drink Chocolate Protein Shake!

Product Features

  • 6-pack, 8.45 oz. each
  • 110 calories and only 1g of sugar
  • 15g Protein per serving
  • High-quality whey and milk protein sources (No soy)
  • Shelf-stable and environmentally friendly cartons with convenient straws